Can You Close the Case?

It’s been all over the news. There was a brutal stabbing with no evidence other than a police sketch based on the only witness’ description of the suspect. You are the town’s newest detective, and this is your very first solo-case.

Deadly Stabbing - Killer at Large

Police are conducting a manhunt for an unknown male suspect after he stabbed and killed a man, fled the crime scene, and dumped a stolen vehicle.

In a press conference, a Peaceful County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson reported they do not yet have enough evidence to call anyone a suspect, but they are frantically searching for any clues as to who may have done this horrific crime.

On Saturday, police responded to 232 Switchblade Ct. for what was dispatched as an armed robbery. When deputies arrived they found a 38-year-old man, identified as Andrew "Slice" Sanderson, who had been stabbed to death. His body was discovered in a storage unit that used to be rented by District III Knife Throwing Club. The club recently moved their storage to a different unit across town.

A witness to the stabbing in question was able to give enough descriptive information for police to compose this sketch of the suspect, which is the only evidence available at this time.

According to a report from the Peaceful County Sheriff’s Office, the man was stabbed several dozen time in what is called "the worst crime ever committed in Peaceful County”.

The suspect fled the scene in a black Toyota vehicle which was later found dumped in a pond off Deep Water Rd.

This was a gruesome crime and the killer is still on the loose. If you or anyone you know has any details, please call Peaceful County Sheriff’s Office at 555-9453.

newspaper with the article Deadly Stabbing - Killer at Large

You have a hunch as to who the escaped murderer is, only thing is you don’t have any evidence to back that claim up… yet. Use your sleuth and prowess to collect definitive proof he’s your guy and get out of there before he gets home.

Hurry! You only have 15 minutes before he discovers you snooping in his things and makes you his next victim.

Follow your hunch...